Soul Weaver's Corner

about my corner of the world, with everything that goes with it

Thursday, March 23, 2006

so, changed my mind.... gonna write about everything I see and do in a day. like for example how I can't stand this D.o.P that I am working with right now... he's austrian
and he has a very bad attitude problem.
And he thought us Romanians were mokeys living in trees, and that we don't speak german... so I heard all that he said... and he was trashing my country and my fellow romanians for like half an hour...
what should I do? should I just kick his ass? he's the client for my production house, and I can't F;;;k up the production... but maybe when he's done shooting I could arrange for a little accident....

gata. m-am reapucat de scris la blog... in caz ca nu stiti de ce, pentru ca nu mai am chef de aproape nimic in afara de a sta in fata computerului si sa scriu chestii pe care oricum numai eu le voi citi. poate ar trebui sa ma apuc sa scriu in engleza, cu cuvinte cheie ascunse printre randuri, si asa, de cate ori cineva va cauta in google chestii de genul "safe", sau "XXX" sau "public", sa apara si blogul meu la rezultate... dar la ce mi-ar servi?
poate doar sa mai enervez si eu pe altii, ca invers se intampla de cand ma stiu... mda, bitter me!