Soul Weaver's Corner

about my corner of the world, with everything that goes with it

Thursday, March 23, 2006

so, changed my mind.... gonna write about everything I see and do in a day. like for example how I can't stand this D.o.P that I am working with right now... he's austrian
and he has a very bad attitude problem.
And he thought us Romanians were mokeys living in trees, and that we don't speak german... so I heard all that he said... and he was trashing my country and my fellow romanians for like half an hour...
what should I do? should I just kick his ass? he's the client for my production house, and I can't F;;;k up the production... but maybe when he's done shooting I could arrange for a little accident....

gata. m-am reapucat de scris la blog... in caz ca nu stiti de ce, pentru ca nu mai am chef de aproape nimic in afara de a sta in fata computerului si sa scriu chestii pe care oricum numai eu le voi citi. poate ar trebui sa ma apuc sa scriu in engleza, cu cuvinte cheie ascunse printre randuri, si asa, de cate ori cineva va cauta in google chestii de genul "safe", sau "XXX" sau "public", sa apara si blogul meu la rezultate... dar la ce mi-ar servi?
poate doar sa mai enervez si eu pe altii, ca invers se intampla de cand ma stiu... mda, bitter me!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

m-am intors. de fapt nici n-am plecat, doar ca nu v-am mai scris. oricum, cati citesc ce scrie aici??? nici unul dintre cunoscutii mei. asa ca de ce ma mai obosesc sa spun ca m-am intors?? ca sa ma dau mare la prietenul meu. a vazut azi pagina mea rozzzzz, a citit tot, si tot crede ca sunt talentata si dragutza si modesta... Nici eu nu cred, dar macar asa....

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Astazi va fi Ziua Cea Mare. Banuiesc ca toti colegii mei stiu de ce. Si, pentru ca natura e intotdeauna in asentiment cu romanul, cand am iesit din bloc o rafala de vant plin de praf si mirosuri ciudate m-a facut sa ma gandesc ca poate totusi, azi nu e o zi buna pentru examene...


Today is The Big Day. I guess that all my colleagues know why. And, because nature has allways manifested accordingly to the romanian's sentiments, when I came out of my building, a strong blow of wind full of dust and strange odours made me think that maybe, just maybe, this is not sucha good day for exams...

Monday, May 10, 2004

stiti ce, chiar m-am suparat. in caz ca se intreba cineva daca a pierdut Schummy pana la urma. Nu a pierdut. Nici nu avea cum. Ma tot gandesc sa pornesc un anti-funclub Schummy, unde oamenii din toata lumea sa isi manifeste dezgustul fata de neamtul arogant...


you know what, I'm really pissed off. In case anybody was wondering if Schummy lost eventually, well, he didn't. It would've been impossible anyways. I keep fantasizing about a anti-funclub Schummy, where people from all over the world could express their disgust with the arrogant german.

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Ma uit la Formula 1. In caz ca e cineva interesat, sunt foarte bucuroasa ca Schumacher e pe locul 2 dupa 18 tururi. Conteaza mai putin cine e pe 1. Sa speram ca o va tine tot asa. Sau poate ajunge pe 4, sa iasa de pe podium.


I'm watching Formula 1. Should anybody care about it, I am very glad that Schumacher is 2nd after 18 laps. It's of no importance who is 1st. Let's just hopr that Schummy keeps up the good work. Maybe he will even score 4th, and get off the podium.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Deja tot cartierul a ajuns sa regrete decizia primariei de a asfalta stradutele. Intr-un acces de de "vedeti ce va doriti ca v-o dau de n-o puteti duce", primaria sectorului 6 a inceput acum doua saptamani sa decoperteze Aleea Dealul Macinului. Nu va ganditi la ceva enorm; doar vreo 5m latime, cu o lungime de vreo 200m. Si totusi, de unde inainte mai puteam ocoli gropile si sa conducem cu grija pana in strada, acum fiecare iesire cu masina se transforma in sport extrem. De decopertat au decopertat. De muncit, muncesc doar pana in ora 3 dupa amiaza. De pus asfaltul la loc... poate la toamna, ca acum vin vremuri calde.


Allready, the whole neihbourhood started to regret the Maior's decision to repair the little streets between the buildings. In a "watch what you wish for, 'cause i'm gonna give to you bad!" motion, the Maior's People started removing the old, bad asphalt on Dealul Macinului Alley, two weeks ago. Do not think of something big; just 5m wide, by 200m long. And somehow, since before this action we could carefully go by the holes in the asphalt, nowadays, taking the car out to town has become extreme sport. Because they did remove the asphalt. They only work till 3pm... About finnishing the work by putting a new layer of asphalt... maybe next fall, because summer is here, and hey! it's gonna be to hot to work!

Thursday, May 06, 2004

cat de stupida poate fi viata uneori! si cat de uniform repartizata pare a fi zapceala omului.


how stupid can life be sometimes! and how evenly spread is the numbness of man.